Posts Tagged ‘Norway’

Le 29 août 2023, l’autorité spirituelle du peuple mapuche au Chili, Machi Millaray Huichalaf Pradines, son compagnon Jaime Uribe Montiel et leur fille de deux ans, après avoir parcouru plus de 800 kilomètres depuis leur communauté dans la région de Los Rios jusqu’à Santiago du Chili, ont pris un avion avec escale à Paris, en France, pour se rendre à leur destination finale, Oslo, en Norvège, où elle était invitée à donner une conférence à l'”Université de Bergen”.

À l’aéroport, ils sont passés par la police d’investigation chilienne, et n’ont eu aucune difficulté à monter à bord de l’avion et à effectuer les 12 heures de voyage jusqu’à Paris. Lorsque l’avion est descendu à Paris, ils ont été appelés par le haut-parleur de l’avion ; lorsqu’ils ont essayé de s’approcher de la cabine, cela n’a pas été possible en raison de toutes les personnes qui essayaient de débarquer, et tous les passagers ont donc été priés d’avoir leurs passeports en main car ils allaient tous être contrôlés avant de descendre.

Lorsqu’ils se sont présentés dans la cabine, on leur a dit qu’ils seraient retenus à 8 heures du matin à Paris . Ils avaient des billets pour se rendre à Oslo à 8 h 45 et devaient embarquer immédiatement, mais du fait qu’ils ont été retenus, ils ont manqué leur vol – lorsqu’ils ont essayé d’enregistrer ou de photographier ce qui se passait, la police s’est énervée et ils ont donc dû renoncer à le faire. Ils ont été emmenés dans un train jusqu’à un bureau souterrain où ils ont pu voir un document que la police française avait en sa possession. Sur ce document, apparaissait le visage de Machi Millaray sur une page et sur l’autre le visage de son compagnon Jaime Uribe, et sur ces pages il était écrit : ATTENTION DANGER.

La police française a déclaré que ce document avait été envoyé du Chili aux premières heures de la matinée et que la communication contenait un résumé des affaires judiciaires, sans indiquer si elles étaient en vigueur ou non. Il est important de préciser qu’aucune des personnes retenues en France ne fait l’objet d’un mandat d’arrêt ou d’une mesure conservatoire dans le cadre d’une affaire judiciaire qui l’empêcherait de voyager conformément à la législation en vigueur au Chili.

Grâce à des traducteurs, la Machi Millaray a pu se présenter et rendre compte de son travail de défense de l’eau et des rivières au Chili, en dénonçant l’installation d’un barrage hydroélectrique par l’entreprise Statkraft, propriété de l’État norvégien, sur des sites d’importance spirituelle et culturelle. Les raisons du voyage en Norvège étaient également expliquées ; il s’agit du deuxième voyage en Norvège, cette fois à l’invitation de l’université de Bergen et dans le but de dénoncer Statkraft et de protéger le territoire sur lequel vivent des peuples indigènes. Malgré la discrimination engendrée par les informations données par l’État chilien, les autorités françaises ont été respectueuses de la Machi Millaray et ont décidé, conformément à la loi et à la non-discrimination, de la laisser terminer son voyage, qui s’est achevé à Oslo, où ils se portent bien et n’ont pas de séquelles physiques.

La situation vécue par l’autorité spirituelle et sa famille est un acte de discrimination commis par l’Etat chilien et qui doit faire l’objet d’une enquête, en vertu des obligations contractées à l’égard des peuples originaires et des défenseurs de l’environnement, ainsi que de la responsabilité administrative de la personne qui a transmis cette information.


The hydroelectric company Statkraft from Norway not only affect the Mapuche culture in Chile by their energy projects, it also interferes with the relations between neighbors and monitors, identifies people who fight and resist the destruction of the sacred space Ngen Mapu Kintuante








A visual record is used to visualize the current problems that the pu lof and Pilmaiken are going through. On top of this, the different adversities that must have been suffered during the process of claiming territory for the defense of the ceremonial centre of Ngen Mapu Kintuante are added.

“For about 10 years we have carried a conflict created by the energy companies, currently Norwegian capitals through Statkraft, that have the intention to install a hydroelectric centre in sacred Mapuche territory (such as the Ngen Mapu Kintuante). It is for this reason that we are standing here today exercising territorial control. By doing this, we are looking to stop the construction of the dam that would eventually flood the Ngen Mapu.

There are currently more than 40 communities that have a spiritual presence in this ceremonial site. This process of reclaiming the territory has in no way stopped the entrance of the communities of this sector, as we understand that this “fight” is against the company and capital. It is a fight that searches to reconstruct the spiritual, cultural, and territorial aspects, and looks to stop the construction of the dam. We have tried to maintain a peaceful coexistence with our communities, but not with the company; that wishes to continue with this project.

Currently, Statkraft wishes to organize a meeting in the following days with a group of communities (only the ones closest to the ceremonial centre and paid by the company), using our cemetery as the gathering point. We disagree with this completely, seeing as this is where our grandfathers, great grandfathers, the fathers and brothers of the majority of the people that form the Lof and resistance of the Pilmaiken are buried; and whom were not even considered for this meeting. In spite of this, it should be noted that no case will be approved if the company comes to intervene or have an impact on the sacred ceremonial site. We reject any proposal similar to this and any proposal where they try to decide on something as delicate as the eltuwe, which is where we perform part of our ceremony. We see in this that there is no need to involve people outside the territory to enlarge the cemetery because we consider that this can be done by the community, and that is what we are going to do, regardless of what Statkraft proposes, because we insist that they are a foreign entity to the Mapuche community. The pu Lof and the families from this sector agree to the expansion of the cemetery. This is another way that the company uses to divide the communities, by generating unnecessary internal strife.

Another form of harassment that has been suffered in recent days is the persecution using technological devices in the rewe. For example, last week I was monitored with my wentru, my little girl and another child from the community, by a drone from above. We want to say that we have had enough of being persecuted! At some point this type of thing started to become less common, but it is starting up again; followed by the vehicles and the telephone intersections… we do not want them here.

“Before a major conflict arises, like the one the hydroelectric centre is trying to generate with our neighbors, we would like to make it clear that this fight isn’t against our lamien, our brothers that we see on the streets and with whom we share all the days here in Maihue, El Roble or in Mantilhue. This is not the meaning of the struggle in Pilmaiken. It is an anti-capitalist struggle that tries to directly benefit the Rio Pilmaiken, for the benefit of the spirituality and nation of the Mapuche; in order to avoid misunderstandings of the actions of other communities that come to the Ngen Mapu Kintuante ceremonial centre.” (Millary Huichalaf, Machi, El roble Carimallin)

“ We denounce the desecration that we are suffering at the hands of the Norwegian state company ‘Statkraft’, who has persecuted us repeatedly. The drone keeps flying over this place and we are constantly being monitored. We want to denounce the method that this company has used to continue causing division between the communities, among them the puLof, like with the cemetery. Which is something transcendental, where the company can not come and decide for the territory because they are not from here. They are separate from this place, we leave the message to the communities that we have never been in disagreement with the expansion of the cemetery, that we support this expansion because it is something necessary and that we can do it amongst ourselves. Regarding the other issue, there were comments about how the fight is being carried out in Kintuante, the struggle is still independent, ensuring that this place is ever desecrated and that it is not profaned for profit and that it will always remain so.” (Alberto Gallegos, Werken pu Lof in resistance Pilmaiken)

Tuesday 19th of September 2017
Practices of Consultation with Indigenous Peoples in Indigenous /Latin America
At Guovssu (TEO-H2 2.228), Centre for Sami Studies, University of Tromsø
The Arctic University of Norway.


09:30 hrs – Welcome (Bjørn Ola Tafjord and May-Lisbeth Brew)
09:45 hrs – Practices of consultation with indigenous peoples in Argentina (Mrs. Relmu Ñamku)
10:45 hrs – Practices of consultation with indigenous peoples in Chile (Mr. Rafael Railaf)
11:45 hrs – Lunch
13:00 hrs – Practices of consultation with indigenous peoples in Costa Rica (Geyner Blanco & William Vega)
14:00 hrs – Practices of consultation with indigenous peoples in Guatemala (Mariel Aguilar Støen)
15:00 hrs – Discussion

About the speakers

Mrs. Relmu Ñamku is a Mapuche leader and the general secretary of the Consultative Council of Indigenous Peoples in Argentina.

Mr. Rafael Railaf is a Mapuche and member of the NGO, Mapuche Foundation FOLIL in The Netherlands. Founded in 2000, one of the first Mapuche organizations in Europe and most of its members are first and second generation Mapuche

Geyner Blanco is Maleku and advisor in indigenous affairs for the Costa Rican president. With William Vega, he has co-supervised the development of a new protocol for consultations with indigenous peoples in Costa Rica.

William Vega is a lawyer and former advisor in indigenous affairs for the Costa Rican president. With Geyner Blanco, he has co-supervised the development of a new protocol for consultations with indigenous peoples in Costa Rica.

Mariel Støen is associate professor at the Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo, and has studied practices of consultation in Guatemala.

About the seminar

The obligation to consult and get the consent of indigenous peoples, before interfering in their lives and territories, is increasingly recognized in international fora and different national contexts. In many places, formal protocols and bodies are being proposed or put in place in order to facilitate such consultations. However, there are still many actors – state agencies as well as private corporations – who keep rejecting, ignoring or paying only superficial attention to the demands for consultations and the relevant procedures.In this seminar, we will learn more about how consultation processes are carried out, or not, in different countries in Indigenous/Latin America.

How can consultations become events that lead to mutual understanding and binding agreements?
Why can consultations by one or more parties end up being considered as theater only?
What are the main challenges of consultation processes today?
What do successful consultations look like?
These topics and questions are highly relevant also beyond Indigenous/Latin America as they resonate strongly also in Sami/Nordic contexts.


Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies, and Theology / Centre for Sami Studies / the research group “Indigenous Religion(s): Local Grounds, Global Networks / the research group “Politics of Culture in Latin America” University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway.

For more information, please contact;
PhD candidate May-Lisbeth Brew ( / +47 77644215)
or professor Bjørn Ola Tafjord ( / +47 77645289)

The seminar is sponsored by NorLARNet (the Norwegian Latin America Research Network)